Today was the day. We would finally hear the results of the tests Stan has had september the 7th. As you all know i was real nervous, cause what would we get to hear. Well I didn’t really hear what I wanted to hear, but I’m glad we partly know what’s ‘wrong’ with Stan.

His talking isn’t okay, but we already knew that, his speach/language IQ is about 80, he talks like a child of 1,5 – 2 years old. But his acting/handling IQ is much higher, 132. Besides the logopedics and the playgroup we should read, sing more with him, but we shouldn’t push him, which we don’t. Cause when I ask if I should read him a story and he says ‘no‘, I won’t do it. Tomorrow we’re going to the library, get him his own pass and let him look around, just to see what he will do. But then, the reason why I wanted him to be tested, psychological… pdd-nos. He does show several symptoms, but because his talking isn’t as good as his acting/handling they can’t really say if he does have pdd-nos. We could go to the GGZ to get him tested for that, but even those people won’t be able to tell us if he has pdd-nos or not, cause he’s much too young. 5 yrs. old would be a better age to get him tested, so we have to wait 2 more years. When his behaviours is getting better, when his talking is getting better, it even might be so, that he doesn’t have pdd-nos, but time will tell.

For his sleeping behaviour, we got some tips and title of books which we’ve bought one. We also have to go to the doctor’s to talk about this, cause we now give him ‘kindival’, but there’s something we should try to get. Then we have to get him so far, to go to bed and fall asleep in his own bed instead of downstairs on the couch. But we should start with this in less exciting periods, so it would be better when we start in january. But we can prepare him by telling what we’re going to do.

Have been mad with Helmut cause he told the psychologist he wasn’t as restless as he used to be, but when we were done and walking towards the centre of Breda, I told Helmut he shouldn’t have said that, cause he can be real restless, but that he can’t know, cause he’s not at home then or when he is, he’s asleep cause he has to work the night. But he was sure, Stan was much more calm than before. Well i noticed that when we were having lunch … NOTTTTT … he was yelling, shouting, crying, kicking and so on … wowwwww he’s real calm lately *sarcastic*

When we finally got at the place where we would meat my mother and the kids, Helmut told her about what was said and the first thing she asked was ‘so there are no other defects? ‘ … I got real mad and said to Helmut ‘told you so, you better kept your mouth shut’. ‘defects’ what on earth was she thinking… She never wanted to see the things we were seeing and now she made that real clear by asking this. Damn who the hell does she think she is… sorry, but for those who don’t know the situation, my mother has never been my best friend, my father was… And there’s just 1 (little) person who realises that and that’s Fleur … she said ‘when grandfather was still among us, mom, she never would have said such a thing… she wouldn’t dare, cause HE did understand and he would understand this’ … tears for me, tears for Fleur, really had to comfort her 🙁

Now we have to explain Fleur tomorrow how she has to ‘handle’ concerning Stan, cause she has to learn that he is a little ‘different’ …

She shouldn’t disturb him when he’s watching tv, playing or doing whatever he’s busy with at that moment, but gently tell him, that when he’s done she wants to play with him or talk to him … But i’m sure we’re going to manage all of that.

In January we have to go back to the AC to see how his talking is then and his knowledge of the words.

I know I can rely on my friends and i will never never talk about all of this with my mother, cause she never wanted to see he might be having pdd-nos, she didn’t want to hear about it today, so she never will…

So I thank you all for your ‘listening’ to my complaining … though i may not say that 😉



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Posted by SevenHillsAngel
Dated: 27th October 2009
Filled Under: gezondheid, Ons Gezinnetje, Stan